Hearing, Seeing and Prophesying the PropheticÂ
ULTIMATE HOW TO OPERATE IN THE SPIRIT REALM: Is your final bus stop to trial and errors in the prophetic walk. It is actually the ULTIMATE. Packaged by the Holy Spirit inspiration. To cure spiritual blindness and the likes. So in it, you will find a much simplified teaching, in a storytelling style simple English. Impacting, how to hear in the spirit realm. How to see and know in the spirit realm. And prophesying. For these are the prophetic channels of which you must gain mastery over in order to accurately walk in the prophetic. I have defined the prophetic here as the supernatural communication that should be transmitted into the natural understanding and application. And doing this is prophesying. So, in this title, you will enjoy a concised TWELVE chapters written with you in mind to simplify the operation in the spirit realm without suspense and beating around the bush . Therefore, I welcome you to this supper with the Holy Spirit. To whom now, I trust you unto. That He will really reveal the content of this revelation to you, Amen.