Covenanted Principles that works for Speedy Answers to Prayers
ESSENTIAL KEYS TO ANSWERED PRAYER: Covenanted Principles for speedy Answers to Prayer. In this book is packaged the principles that work for speedy answers to prayer. Never say again, that God does not answer prayer speedily. But say from now, that Our God, is the God of speedy answers to prayer. Learn His laid down ways to prayer response. Take advantage of God's laid down Principles that guarantees speedy response to your prayer. Knowledge saves and delivers the righteous from every slavery, Prov.11:9. Deliver your life from unanswered prayer. Here are the essential keys you need! Begin now to appropriate them, in your prayer life by praying through them. Prayer is the believers breathe. Breathe prayer every day. It is the air we breathe. Breathe without ceasing, 1Thess.5:17.